By Nicodemus Nguet Thiep
I am writing this piece as my personal opinion regarding controversy surrounding corruption practices and recently released word by our able Member of Parliament Hon. Lual Achuil in which he talked of a rat disappearing or destroying resources of the nation.
This piece is not against or in defense of anybody. I am writing it as a genuine observation as an observer in South Sudanese politics and ways of doing things as well as ways of spreading and perceptions.
Before I go deeper, there is no doubt that corruption has grown more than a cancer in South Sudan. It has exceeded the size of a rat and many other animals. Since 2005, many officials from National level up to boma level, have been playing with resources with impunity without fear of God and suffering of our citizens who badly yarned for better services after voting overwhelmingly for independence in 2011. The menance of corruption has been occurring and it continues to happen up to now. That is what brought economy to this level that everybody born or is about to be born is fully aware of. Others such as closure of oil and global conflicts are also other factors to be noted to have contributed.
This week, there has been social media drama of the word “RAT” having destroyed or misused the money. Others attributed this to Dr. Benjamin Bol Mel, the Presidential Advisor for Special Programs and the chief of ARC. Others see rats from different angles depending on the people they suspect to have siphoned money or emptied public coffers. I have not seen those targeting Bol Mel to have diverted resources meant for development or salaries attaching evident against the Presidential Advisor. We just read reactions on social media from unhappy people or politicians who have issues with Bol Mel or having been disappointed due to some reasons known to them. In the world, anybody who tempers with public resources is charged according to the laws of the land. Nobody can be permitted to loot at will without the government questioning or imprisoning the person. In other countries, the looters are shot dead or jailed for a long term and resources or accounts got frozen in order to recover the resources fraudulently stolen.
I believe if Bol Mel had stolen money, the President of the Republic and the laws of the Republic of South Sudan would have not left him walking freely.
Salva Kiir cannot allow anybody now to disappear with even one million United States Dollars that should have impacted our economy positively. The government of South Sudan is so desperate to stabilize the economy, and they cannot allow individuals or Bol Mel to take money without accountability. This is because any poor accountability affects the government and the citizens at the end of the day.
While Benjamin Bol Mel is a human being just like any of us, he might have challenges and successes he has made. Juba – Bor Highway is now operating due to his efforts since he took over under ARC. This has reduced long hours for movement of goods and people. Another notable achievement is Bahr El Ghazal Highway. Though not completed, its initiation and commencement are a good sign of development. One time, the Road will reach its final destination, and this will ease delivery of goods and services. It is because of the current economic situation that the road is not moving as expected. By the way, all contracts of government or private businesses are developed, co-signed and documented. I think even the projects of roads run by ARC have contracts. Bol cannot violate the principles set out and work outside the agreed framework.
On diplomacy, Dr. Benjamin Bol has contributed immensely to regional mobilization and advocacy for peace in South Sudan. The president sends him as his envoy for special missions which he usually achieves as directed by the government.
The president knows what he does well and that is why he entrusted him to discharge some duties in the country. South Sudan needs unity of purpose so that we come out of these hardships especially the man-made that have solutions. For global issues like climate change and geo-politics which bring negative effects on economy and relations, we can persevere like global community. Our country is endowed with a lot of resources that need skills and good governance for us to develop like other nations. I wish the government of South Sudan pull up its socks and hold people accountable publicly to avoid speculations. Now, it is very difficult for citizens to distinguish facts and lies speculated by one person to another and it multiplies to reach millions of people wrongly like that. Media should also play its role by exposing those who do wrong things.
This issue of the President sacking a person without reasons or taking him/her to court if looting cases are suspected should be discouraged. If the dismissal is normal as a government routine, then there is no problem with that and if an official is alleged to have stolen money, even if it is myself – Nicodemus Nguet Thiep, then there should be accountability strongly instituted according to the law.
In conclusion, if there are charges brought against Bol Mel and confirmed by competent court, I would stand with the true side. I am just airing my opinion now by outlining achievements of Benjamin Bol and if I see, he does things wrongly, I can still say it because I have that right as a citizen of this country. My fellow youths and our elders should present facts or evidence which can convince the public for anything wrong done by anybody in this country. Let us just wait and see evidence where Bol misappropriated money and then we shall correctly call him accordingly. But for now, let us perceive things in a positive way as one people.
The end!
By Nicodemus Nguet Thiep
The Opinion expressed here do not represent any institution, they are my own.
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