No Official SPLA Day May 16th Celebrations Over Economic Distress

SSPDF Spokesperson Major Gen Lul Ruai Koang announced on Wednesday that South Sudan will have another muted celebration of the founding of SPLA now SSPDF, due to the current economic crisis.

In the press conference on Wednesday, South Sudan Forces (SSPDF) Spokesperson Gen. Lul Ruai stated that there will be no official celebration of the 41st Anniversary of SPLA Day.

Major General Lul Ruai Koang acknowledged that it is important to hold celebrations for the national day, but he added that it’s only possible when the country is in financially stable. He said, “I think we have not been celebrating in recent years for the same reason, that the economy is in distress.”

The SPLA Day is a national public holiday that commemorates the foundation of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army on May 16th, 21983. On this day, South Sudanese remember the contributions of the heroes and heroines who fought to bring about the country’s independence.

Gen. Lul stated that the preparation for the event requires a huge budget which cannot be affordable with the current economic situation caused by a sharp decline in oil revenue. He said, “holding celebrations countrywide requires a huge budget. And therefore, bearing in mind that we have competing priorities. We say yes, it’s good to celebrate when we have in plenty.” He continues say, “but when you have scarcity, then it is wise to reserve that for the most compressing issues. This is the reason why we are not celebrating, and we have been saying this.”

Some people will be angry for the government keep postponing celebrations of the May 16th because this will be disrespecting to those heroes who died to liberating our country.