Minister Puot Kang Chol Dismisses Peace Roadmap Extension Allegation

Petroleum Minister Puot Kang has dismissed alleged statements citing him to have declared extension of the 24 months peace roadmap.

Social media has it that the parties have extended the transitional period without specifications.

This comes a day after the High-Level Committee on Implementation of the 2018 peace accord said it has completed reviewing the roadmap and on Wednesday submit the documents to the presidency.

On his Facebook page, Minister Kang clarified that he didn’t make any declaration of the extension of the roadmap.

He said, “Our job as the High-Level Committee on Roadmap, which we have completed today, was only to review the Implementation Status of the R-ARCSS, Explanatory Note on Implementation Status and make recommendations on the way forward to the principals who will make the decision and he declaration of what next.”