Juba and Kampala Border Crossing by the Military (UPDF) and Threatening the Citizens

CEPO is asking Juba and Kampala what is going on over the issue of border crossing by the military (UPDF) and threatening the citizens. We need an answer on this new trend at our borders where UDPF seems to have a strategy of taking lands of South Sudan at the border.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, says is urging Juba and Kampala to really abstain from dragging the citizens of the two countries into land war. The negative developments raised recently at the border communities are triggering the citizens to fall to fighting over land ownership at the borders. Whatever the motivation of the recent engagement of military in borders land friction is dangerous and threatening the social fabric between the citizens of South Sudan and Uganda.

The situation of the two countries at the borders is getting worse and threatening the stability and security of the citizens at the borders. Juba and Kampala need to get engaged in mitigation of the merging frictions over borders land ownership. Mr. Yakani stressed

Finally, CEPO is urging juba and Kampala to handle the borders’ frictions urgently before it enters violent and deadly violence.