
Jobdit Mandela Maciek

The pessimists of all counties who win or lose should understand that the merits of Bharel- Ghazal Counties’ League that have brought about all the Regional Counties are more than its demerits. The meritocracies of this on-going league in Juba are that it promotes Unity and peaceful coexistence which people of Bharel—Ghazal and any other region in South Sudan is advocating and yawning for.

Apart from the above, it has demonstrated the spirit of love some of the passionate sons and Daughters from each county and States, through the Sports support. And above all, it has an oddity that benefits the field players most from each county, (I.e.) exposure of the best talented players from each county, this is an advantage is that an objective of each football to grow in the field of Sports, just like how each Political leader or Academician wants to further his/her lifetime career. what is the major ”take away” here.

I would like each and every one supporting the counties they hail from materially and morally to put the objective of the league above their interest, yes, we all need to win, but if your county has lost and wins in another match. It is a sign of the improvement which deserves a round of applause. Let’s avoid (referral blames) if incase our respective counties lose at once point in the match. Not everyone becomes a winner or loser. But that shouldn’t subject Coaches, Heads of the organizing committee of all the counties to be blamed for any curiosity.


By Jobdit Mandela Maciek