Government Delegation Meets with FVP. Dr. Riek Machar after Party’s Tumaini Withdrawal


The government delegation to the peace talks to Nairobi unknow as “Tumaini Initiative” met on Monday with First Vice president Dr. Riek Machar to discuss his party’s withdrawal from the Tumaini Initiative last week.

The team comprising the government lead negotiator Hon. Albino Mathem Ayuel and the delegation’s spokesperson and Minister of information, telecommunications and postal services Hon. Michael Makuei stated that, “the final document and the concerns raised by SPLM-IO political bureau that led to the suspension of their participation at the Nairobi talks will be discussed by the presidency this week.”

Mr. Makuei said that SPLM-IO’s decision to pull out of the talks has affected government engagement with the holdout opposition groups, and he added that, “the delegation to the Nairobi talks is an inclusive government team.”

While at the office of FVP. Dr. Riek Machar said that Mr. Michael Makuei stated that SPLM-IO members in the delegation and other members are still in Nairobi waiting the outcome of the presidency meeting.