Former President Press Secretary Hon. Ateny Wek Ateny Condolences Message on the Passing of Gen. Bior Ajang Dout (Bior-Aswod)

Eulogy to Gen. Bior Ajang Dout (Bior-Aswod) the passing of the true hero!
By: Ateny Wek Ateny
Oh my God, why taking the life Gen. Bior-Aswod so early? I don’t have the authority to question the almighty God. However, I am shocked and exceedingly agonized to learn about the passing on of a great hero through social media. The sudden untimely death of Gen. Bior Ajang Dout came at a time when South Sudan needs him most.
Gen. Bior Ajang was a true liberator who in his teenage life, opted to voluntarily joined the liberation struggle on the wake of its formation in 1983. After receiving one of the best cadet’s training in Bongo, Ethiopia and later in Cuba, Gen. Bior Ajang rose in the ranks and files of the SPLA to become one of most formidable commanders. The name ‘Bior-Aswod’ as he was known was synonymous with SPLA’s victories. Bior never lost any battle. Bior never disappointed the leadership of the SPLM/A. He was so loyal to the leadership as well as to the men/women of the SPLM/A.
The biography of Gen. Bior is full of great achievements and nobody has the ability to numerate these achievements. He was a soldier, diplomat, a leader in the SPLM/A, the Chairperson of the great community of Twi East, a husband and a father. Retired from the army as Deputy Chief of Staff, of the then SPLA and appointed as Ambassador, the late Gen. Bior Ajang complied to the leadership’s decision. Though, his assignment to Khartoum as Ambassador to Sudan hasn’t materialized, Gen. Bior stayed steadfast and resilient. Unlike, some of his colleagues who rebels upon relieve from public duties, Gen. Bior remains exceptionally focused. Bior never have any money, but never get bothered- as he was a true son of Paramount Chief and a corrupt-free man. He was a typical son of the soil who never compromised national’s interest.
Gen. Bior will be missed dearly by every being that came across him when he was alive. My condolences and sympathies to the bereaved immediate family of the late Bior Ajang, the entire Paan Bior, Kongor, Twi East, Jonglei and the entire South Sudan is this great loss. May his soul rest in eternal peace.