
Former Juba Deputy mayor Thiik Thiik

South Sudanese Pound
South Sudanese Pound

Former Juba Deputy mayor Thiik Thiik has added his voice after South Sudanese Pounp gain its strengthens.

Former Juba City Deputy Mayor Thiik Thiik announced a new economic target following the recent strengthening of the South Sudanese Pound against the U.S. dollar. In a social media post, Thiik stated that after successfully reducing the dollar rate, the focus will now shift to the foreign-dominated market.

“After a successful drop of dollar rate, the next target is our foreigners dominated market,” he posted, highlighting a potential shift in economic policy.

The pound’s recent gain has sparked public frustration, as many citizens note that prices in the market, predominantly controlled by foreign traders from Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and other East African nations, have yet to reflect the stronger currency.