Did I Hear Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro Saying “He was Taken out of Context? By Who?

By: Ateny Wek Ateny
There is nothing bad and exceedingly ludicrous than to see someone of a certain caliber denying, sunrise, because of a foggy weather. Someone living in Scandinavia would do, because during the winter the sunrise don’t come for good 6 months. I don’t know where was Dr. Martin when he was taken out of context? Where did he make statement in the first place so that he could have been taken out of context?
I bet, the British trained scientist must have been caught-off guard and grilled by the Parliamentarians to forget his responsibilities as a renowned long serving cabinet Affairs Minister. Reneging from his duty to upheld the Doctrine of Ministerial Collective Responsibility, Dr. Lomoro has erred to think the best way to address Parliamentary Select Committee, to abandon enquiry on the appropriation of public funds, was to use the President in an attempt to frighten the lawmakers. Therefore, Dr. Lomoro had in fact sold the President for cheap. Nobody knew before, the monies are authorized by the President until Dr. Martin’s emotional outburst.
I was expecting Dr. Martin to have done better than that. Unfortunately, he felt below every reasonable person’s expectations. As someone who have lived and received his highest credentials in the school of learning in the United Kingdom, Dr. Martin was supposed to have controlled his emotions and speak to the Parliamentarians with respect and integrity. Alas, he wasn’t polite at all- hence he allowed himself to be defensive. So, he betrayed the integrity of the President inadvertently, as a result.
Dr. Martin Lomoro thought, by saying that the President has authorized the payment, then the Parliamentary Select Committee would be forced to go underground. It was exceedingly reckless for someone who is very knowledgeable like Dr. Martin to have allowed himself to be pushed into the mud. He should have no further defense after his statement went viral. Denying the fact is worse than the original statement itself. On his recent Press Conference, held at the Cabinet Affairs Premises, and in an attempt to coin words of defense of his reckless response to Hon. Nathaniel Oyet, the first Deputy Speaker of the RNLA, Dr. Martin’s usual confidence quickly waned, leaving him with twisted tongue. He might have crumbled during the Press Conference, more than inside the Parliament when he committed such controversy.
Nevertheless, Dr. Martin to whom I had the opportunity to know since the time of liberation struggle back to UK, was better than this. He knew, or ought to have known, the President was not directly responsible for the loss of $10,000,000 US dollars. Without giving further explanation, Dr. Martin was outmaneuvered by the Parliamentarians he never taken them seriously. Given how peace was negotiated which resulted into forming the parties in the revitalized agreement’s parliament which is supposed to be of a rubber stamp for the executive, the UK’s trained Scientist was taken surprise by the level of Hon. Oyet’s hot questions. Where did this seriousness of the parliament came from?
We all know the President is the Patron and the Custodian of public funds, but he does it on the informed advices of the relevant institutions. Therefore, the ten Million might have been spent through doctrine of collective responsibility, not the President. So, it was incumbent upon Dr. Martin Elia to have stated this better than to make the President responsible for the spending. He was wrong. The President don’t approve payments. Rather, he can only be informed of spending.
Finally, Dr. Martin Lomoro’s exposure of the President might have had other factors. Dr. Lomoro is exhausted and too much bored, being in one government for two decades as a Minister. So, if there was anyone to be issued with Identity Card for Ministers, the two Ministers; Lomoro and Michael Makuei would be given. The two are good and exceedingly qualified, but time is cursing them.
When a woman stops her child from breastfeeding, she is not only doing it to have another child born, but she also does it to prevent her breasts being bitten off by the child who might have grown full teeth. So, Dr. Martin wasn’t against the President but his teeth have fully grown and without him intending to bite, the teeth are hard on the breast. In actual fact, Dr. Martin was not taken of of context, because he was speaking to the responsible lawmakers. Also, the audio having him saying “if the President authorized the money then who am I” is too clear to have been altered. I rest my case.
The writer is the Former Presidential Spokesperson, and the views expressed here are his own, and they are not written to buy anybody favor, nor is he looking for any appointment. He could be reached by email; atenypiokerwek@gmail.com