The National Security says TNLA Deputy Speaker Oyet Nathaniel was Barred from Travelling at JIA After he was Found to have a Self-issued Travel Permit.

Deputy Speaker of the Parliament accused of forgery of travel permits and breach of security.

A senior security official denied that the authorities prevented the first deputy of the transitional Speaker of the National Parliament Awit Nathaniel from traveling abroad without reasons.

It turns out that the prohibition order was due to violations in the procedures followed in the travel of senior officials abroad.

It is stated that the member of parliament did not submit a request to the Speaker of the National Parliament to receive permission to leave, but he wrote a letter and signed it himself, in violation of the approval of the Speaker of Parliament, describing this behavior as diversion and getting out of the path of the institutional regulations following the order, which he considered a violation and enters the circle of forgery.

A host, after the security authorities at Juba International Airport demanded him for the necessary measures for such cases, he called the security authorities, which he described as immoral behavior by a member of parliament.

Nafya, the security authorities intended to detain him and prevent him from traveling, but the whole thing is to do with the necessary procedures in cases of travel of senior officials in the country.

In his statements to the newspaper yesterday, the official confirmed that the First Deputy of the Speaker of the Transitional National Parliament is against all travel procedures, but furthermore by describing her as unethical.

It is worth mentioning that the first deputy of the Speaker of the Parliament published in the media that the security authorities prevented him from traveling and described these statements as false and distorted to the facts, proven by the documents held by the security authorities, which prove his departure from the rules and regulations enforced by them in the country.