Open Letter to the National Security Service (NSS) and South Sudan Police Service (SSPS)

Dear National Security Service (NSS) and South Sudan Police Service (SSPS),
We, the citizens of South Sudan, write to formally notify you of our collective decision to peacefully express our concerns regarding the recent developments involving the illegal and unilateral extension of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGONU). This extension, which was carried out without the necessary consultation with political parties, civil society organizations, and other relevant stakeholders, has left many of us deeply troubled by the disregard for the democratic principles and transparency that should underpin our nation’s governance.
Next week, you will receive official letters in your offices detailing the reasons for our protest and outlining the concerns of the citizenry. The decision to extend the mandate of the R-TGONU without engaging all parties involved has heightened frustration among the people, as it appears to bypass the very foundations of inclusivity and accountability that are essential to our democratic process. We firmly believe that no government should unilaterally extend its mandate without first ensuring broad-based consultation and approval from the people it represents.
As responsible and concerned citizens, we have organized peaceful demonstrations to be held in designated areas across the country, with the primary focus on Juba. These peaceful protests will take place every Friday, as we seek to engage in a constructive dialogue with those in power and demand the transparency and accountability that the people of South Sudan deserve. Our aim is to ensure that the voices of all South Sudanese, including political parties and civil society, are heard and respected in shaping the future of our country.
We want to emphasize, with the utmost sincerity, that these demonstrations will be peaceful. Our intent is to exercise our constitutional right to peaceful assembly, and we rely on your cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of the citizens during this time. We trust in the professionalism of the National Security Service and the South Sudan Police Service to uphold their duty in maintaining public order, and to ensure that our fundamental rights are respected. It is our hope that you will work alongside us to create a calm and secure environment during these peaceful gatherings.
We are confident that you share our commitment to maintaining peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.
We look forward to your cooperation in supporting the people’s right to peacefully assemble and express their concerns, in the spirit of fostering a constructive and democratic dialogue that can lead to meaningful progress for our nation.
Deng Bol Aruai Boland other Concerned Citizens
Juba, South Sudan
13th September 2024