SSOMA Faction Announces their New Leadership

The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) faction of the National Salvation Front led by General Thomas Cirilo Swaka, the National Democratic Movement-Patriotic Front (NDM-PF) led by Emmanuel Ajawin, and the South Sudan Movement for Change (SSMC) led by Alex Yata has announced their new leadership structure in Rome on Wednesday.

Per their declaration document, SSOMA faction has appointed Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka, Chairman of National Salvation Front (NAS) as the chairperson of the SSOMA faction, and Dr. Alex Yata Lukadi, who is the leader of the South Sudan Movement for Change (SSMC), became deputy chairperson of SSOMA faction, and Emmanuel Ajawin, Chairman of National Democratic Movement-Patriotic Front (NDM-PF), was became secretary general of the SSOMA faction.

SSOMA faction are now engaged in consultative meetings with the Kenya-led mediation to explore ways of them to join Nairobi Peace Talks.