South Sudan’s Quest for Peace: The Role of SPLM IO in the Tumaini Initiative

By Joseph Akot Mabor, Researcher and PhD Candidate at the University of Juba, Institute of Peace, Development, and Security Studies (IPDSS)
South Sudan has long been a nation yearning for peace and stability. The journey has seen numerous negotiations facilitated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the international community. Recently, the Tumaini Initiative, a peace effort mediated by the Kenyan government, has shown promising progress. On July 15, 2024, a significant milestone was reached when the parties involved signed a deal comprising eight protocols on various thematic issues. However, the subsequent decision by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM IO) to withdraw from the ongoing peace talks on July 16, 2024, threatens to derail these efforts at a critical juncture.
The Tumaini Initiative: Progress Towards Peace
The Tumaini Initiative represents a beacon of hope in South Sudan’s protracted struggle for peace. Under the mediation of the Kenyan government, the initiative has successfully brought together the South Sudanese government and holdout opposition groups to address key issues impeding peace. The signing of eight protocols on July 15 was a testament to the progress made and the commitment of the parties involved to find a lasting solution.
SPLM IO’s Withdrawal: A Setback for Peace
The SPLM IO’s decision to withdraw from the peace talks is a significant setback for the peace process. This development is particularly disheartening as it comes at a time when South Sudan is closer than ever to achieving a comprehensive peace agreement. The SPLM IO’s participation is crucial to the success of the Tumaini Initiative, as their involvement ensures that the concerns and aspirations of all major stakeholders are addressed.
The Imperative for Reconsideration
For the sake of South Sudan’s peace and stability, it is imperative that SPLM IO reconsiders its position. The withdrawal not only undermines the progress made but also jeopardizes the potential for achieving a lasting peace. The SPLM IO must return to the negotiating table in Nairobi, Kenya, and engage constructively in the peace process. The future of South Sudan depends on the willingness of all parties to work together towards a common goal.
A Vision for South Sudan
South Sudan has the potential to achieve a future marked by economic well-being, security, and harmony. By committing to dialogue and cooperation, all parties can contribute to building a nation where the entire population thrives. The Tumaini Initiative offers a viable framework for addressing the root causes of conflict and establishing a sustainable peace.
The path to peace in South Sudan is fraught with challenges, but it is not an impossible journey. The Tumaini Initiative provides a promising opportunity to address longstanding issues and pave the way for a stable and prosperous future. It is crucial for the SPLM IO and all stakeholders to seize this moment, set aside their differences, and work collectively for the greater good of the nation.
About the Author
Joseph Akot Mabor is a researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Juba’s Institute of Peace, Development, and Security Studies (IPDSS). His research focuses on the challenges of liberal peace and state-building in South Sudan, exploring the barriers to achieving lasting peace and a viable state. He can be reached at akotmarial@gmail.com.
This article emphasizes the importance of the Tumaini Initiative and the critical role of SPLM IO in ensuring its success. It advocates for the return to negotiations and underscores the potential benefits of peace for the entire South Sudanese population.